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Weeping Spruce– Picea abies “Pendula”


This lovely specimen was found at a local nursery– much overgrown and diminished with age. Now approaching thirty years, it has been styled into a graceful and sweeping profile with significant new growth and vivid green foliage. After several years and many reductions it is transformed into a mature conifer specimen with substantial character. Presented in traditional Chinese drum style pottery to allow viewing from multiple angles.



This venerable evergreen is approaching five decades, and showing its age gracefully. Recently repotted

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 to increase vigor for the next phase of life. This lovely specimen was found at a local nursery– much overgrown and diminished with age. Now well into its prime, it has been styled into a graceful and sweeping profile with significant new growth and vivid green foliage. After several years and many reductions it is transformed into a mature conifer specimen with substantial character. Nursery sale only. Local delivery available by arrangement.


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